OET – Important Spelling Tips
OET is an English language testing skill. If you think you are proficient and expert in the English language when it comes to understanding and speaking, let us remind you that fluency, vocabulary, and pronunciation are not the only aspects of the OET. There is yet another important element that can help you score or miss out on the perfect grades. What we talk about here is the “spelling”.
Correct spelling is absolutely important when you are writing down the OET. And, especially for a medical test like OET, every spelling of each medical term is important. One mistake and everything could be smashed up! After all, medical is a complicated, and at the same time, a sensitive field, which makes it very important to be precise.
While the speaking part of OET will only assess your vocabulary, fluency, pronunciation, and confidence of English speaking, the other three parts of listening, reading, and writing will test your spelling too. So, be very careful whenever you are writing for the OET.
Homophones may lead to serious errors
Spelling of every medical term is important. This is because the medical industry has so many such words that sound the same, but have different spellings and meanings. These are known as homophones. So, one spelling mistake may change the entire meaning of what you are writing; thus leading you to get negative marks. Take a look at some examples.
“Ileum” is the last section of the small intestine; while “Ilium” is a part of the pelvic bone.
“Mucus” is a secretion; while “Mucous” is an adjective that means resembling the mucus.
“Peroneal” means pertaining to the lateral aspect of the leg; while “Perineal” means pertaining to the pelvic floor.
“Vesical” means pertaining to the bladder; while “Vesicle” means a small blister
You can see how even a single alphabet mistake can lead to such different meanings; so you can imagine how you can be scored if you make even the tiniest of spelling mistakes! Hence, make sure you know what you are writing.
Filling the gaps in the reading section
The reading section may ask you to complete a gap or write a short answer to a question. In this section, your spellings must be 100% accurate. If you find the correct answer in the paragraph you are reading, there seems to be no need to make any changes to the words in the text. Lift the text as it is and place it in the gap. However, for short answers, you may need to write the answer. But, even for this, you could simply copy the words exactly from the text.
Write the correct spellings in the writing section
This is the most crucial section that will test your spelling. Avoid every possible silly mistake and double check on what you are writing. While the OET accepts both American English and British English, you need to choose only one of them and be consistent with it throughout the test. For example, if you are writing the word “tumor” once, use it just like that throughout the text, rather than shifting to “tumour” elsewhere.
For many other such tips, you can always get in touch with Avigna Learning Academy. Here, you will find the best mentors providing quality OET online coaching in Hyderabad; so you learn anywhere anytime, without giving up on your regular duties to attend traditional classrooms.
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