Solving PTE Reading Multiple Choice Questions The Easy Way

PTE is a computer-based English language testing exam that tests the reading, writing, listening, and speaking aspects of the candidate. In this blog, we will address how to clear the PTE Reading section, and specifically the Multiple Choice Questions, easily.

PTE Reading Multiple Choice Questions

PTE Reading

The PTE Reading section comprises of a passage that is given for you to read, based on which you will be given a number of tasks. The four main categories of tasks include multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, and reorder the paragraphs. Fill in the blanks and reorder the paragraphs are relatively easy, as all you have to do is read the text and fill up the words that are left out, or reorder the small chunks of text in the correct order to match the paragraph given to you. But, when it comes to multiple choice questions, it may get a little difficult.

Single choice and multiple choice answers

In multiple choice questions, you will have to read the given paragraph, and then answer the questions given to you. You will be given choices along with the questions, which you will have to choose from. The multiple choice questions are divided into two segments – single choice answers and multiple choice answers. What makes it more difficult is that multiple choice answers have a negative marking system, means one wrong answer gives you a negative mark. Thus, you have to be even more careful with answering your multiple choice questions multiple answers.

Multiple choice questions single answer – You will be given a text passage, which you will have to read and then choose the appropriate answer from the list given to you, depending upon the content or tone of the text.

Multiple choice questions multiple answers – This is similar to the single answer task, with the difference that you will have to select all the correct choices. You won't be indicated how many answers are correct, so you have to think about it on your own. It could be one, two, or all. But remember, no guessing work here. One wrong answer means negative marks. Thus, you have to select only those options that you are sure about.

How to solve PTE Reading MCQs?
  • Start with reading the questions, then skim through the text looking for the right answer(s). By reading the questions, you will get a clear idea about what you need to find in the passage. Then, by skimming the text, you glance through the content to be able to identify where the answers could possibly be.
  • Next, you use the elimination method to discard the incorrect options. When you are sure that the particular option given is 100% incorrect, you simply eliminate it. This way, you shortlist the options and come down to either the right answers or the “maybe” options. Select the answers that you feel are 100% correct; and focus on those that “maybe” correct.
  • While on the process of choosing the right answers, you also need to keep an eye on the time. Time management is absolutely important for every exam. Keep an eye on the clock, and analyze how much time you can give to each question. Generally, it is recommended that you shouldn’t spend more than 1-1.5 minute per question.

Follow the above tips and get enough PTE Reading practice to eventually improve your performance. You can get enough practice when you get enrolled with Avigna Learning Academy’s top PTE online training in Bangalore.


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